Big Things are Coming for Nimbus and our Customers
At Nimbus, our newest release version 6.09 is available now! We have been working diligently to add features that will help you run your business more successfully and get more out of the information that your business generates.
Sneak Peak for Nimbus Customers: Nimbus Version 6.09
We’re bringing you an improved version of Nimbus this winter. Our developers continually create enhancements for our ERP system so that you can use your business data to make informed decisions. As you use more features in Nimbus, you’ll be creating more data for the system. Harnessing more data can help your company make better, more informed decisions to improve your overall business performance.
If you have Nimbus V6.08 or earlier, now is the time to contact your Consultant to find out how our new and improved system can simplify your workflow, clarify and improve your data analysis, and produce transparent, easy to understand reports.
Did you know, Nimbus is Chrome compatible? Get in touch to discuss how you can benefit.
Improvements in Workflow Automation
Your team will see immediate improvements in your day to day workflow. With improvements in the speed and efficiency of your daily tasks, your team will have more time to handle complex jobs that require more planning and time.
- Straightforward process to correct errors that result in mismatched payments and receipts. Create reprints more easily using the Office menu.
- Simply record resources used from the field with our web based job posting app, now tablet friendly.
- Convert a single spreadsheet (xml file) into one or more sets of data to more efficiently assess your business information.
Better Data Capture and Analysis
You’ll be able to make more accurate project plans with our enchanced Scheduler, which is also compatible for use on tablets so you can take Nimbus with you to the job site. Version 6.09 provides more granular data, including a Break Time calculation and updates that account for 15-minute increments.
- Select the first day of the week in the Scheduler that works for your company.
- Enhanced use of colour in our forms make it easier to track your data so you can quickly make smart business decisions.
Clearer Interface and Reporting
With a new option to format your data so that it’s more meaningful for you, Nimbus makes it easier than ever to spot trends or changes that need your attention.
- Personalise your notifications with the option to add plain text, html, or photos on your In/Out page.
- Enter data more intuitively with new hover tip that explains how to fix an error.
- New “clear report settings” button added so that you can more quickly input your reporting requirements.
- Updated creditors, GL budget, and period control forms.
- Reports render more efficiently so you can get the data you need faster.
Import Outside Data
We’ve made it even easier for you to manage your data by creating a validation and importing workflow to bring information directly into your system. That means you’ll be able to integrate and assess information from outside of your business. Working with your consultant you’ll be able to track information about Assets, Creditors, Debtors, Jobs, Projects, Stock and more.