

Dashboards Dashboards are a great way of providing both graphical and summary information in a form that allows a business to monitor and then analyse data. Complete reports are hard to read and require an intimate knowledge of the information presented. Implementing...
Time Portal

Time Portal

Product Specifications Time Portal Moving from paper timesheets to a mobile time entry system is a huge benefit for any company, especially industries that have remote workers. There is something in it for everyone from the team in the field to the supervisors and...


Product Specifications Weighbridge Nimbus weighbridge is a module that links to your weighbridge scales, provides workflow to track and manage trucks coming into your yard, and links to Nimbus Job Costing so that materials uplifted are posted directly to jobs as the...
GL Reporter

GL Reporter

Product Specifications GL Reporter The GL Reporter Application is one of the first products to use our Next Generation Platform where data can be seen in a report, graph or dashboard view. The first release is a set of eight predetermined GL Reports that complement...
Competency Management

Competency Management

Product Specifications Competency Management Track employees’ skills and competencies in one place, and maintain retraining, upskilling, and meeting government regulations. Competency Management packages not only allows the business to manage employee competencies and...
Enhanced Reporting

Enhanced Reporting

Enhanced Reporting Real time reporting to build your own reports to capture data that is important to your business. Quality reporting is key to making sense of your data. Our latest release has focused on adding some powerful functionality to our reports to help your...